Dellys Arzolay.

General Director

Dellys Arzolay, born in Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela, is a Lawyer, who graduated from the Universidad Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho in Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela, a Speaker and Communicator, graduated from Universidad Central de Venezuela, a Theologian, graduated from the Instituto Universitario de Teologia de Latinoamerica, from San Cristóbal, Venezuela, Musician, graduated from the Carlos Afanador Real Conservatory of Music in Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela, Specialist in Educational Innovations graduated from Universidad de Oriente in Ciudad Bolívar, Venezuela and Specialist in Hook Marketing, graduated from Protege in Castilla, Spain. Since November 2016, Dellys Arzolay has lived in the United States.

With an extensive and recognized international career as a speaker, Dellys Arzolay has developed a speech completely focused on human development. In her tour through Aruba, the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Brazil and Trinidad and Tobago, she has brought a confrontational message to Hispanics in their role as immigrants, challenging them to be a model of good behavior and not a focus of derogatory accusations.

Dellys is the founder of the Gilgal Arts Institute in Venezuela and the Hispanic Arts Club in the State of Florida and North Carolina in the United States of America, of which she is currently the president.

Dellys Arzolay has shown her ability and firmness to lead the Raleigh Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, while fulfilling her role as mother of Carlos Fernando and aunt of her Nephews Carlos David and Astrid. With passion for serving  and happy to help the Hispanic community in its integral growth.

Specialized-Public COMUNITY Affairs, Proposals and Psychology.
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